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Friday, March 14, 2025

Baleful Wain

“I see you got your list out. Say your piece and get out. Yes, I get the gist of it, but it's alright. Sorry that you feel that way. The only thing there is to say, ‘Every silver lining's got a Touch of Grey.’ I will get by... I will survive.” - Jerry Garcia and Robert Hunter, 1987

To stay authentic and topical today’s writers must surf ahead of a tsunami of social insanity within a tyrannical tube of factuality. They have to assess advertisements, arts, blogs, books, broadcasts, documentaries, edicts, interviews, manifestos, movies, music, newscasts, podcasts, poetry, posts, rap, speeches, TikTok, tweets, videos, vlogs, and what’s not even on this Sisyphean list while investigating in person both an artificial and natural world, specific spaces at times, either eager to commit murder and devour your corpse. No bubble or force field, only cloth, grey matter, leather, or lycra to protect, it’s hard for anyone to say for sure, if at all, what preserves one’s inner self from threats out there. While being absorbed, ingested and inhaled, world in turn swallows you whole, simultaneously bestowing and taking, crucifying and forgiving, furnishing and suffocating, punishing and rewarding.

Labann’s mission has always been to encompass all of bicycling culture, monitor sources as new examples emerge, and show how items interconnect. Too often lately that involves baleful reports of political smackdowns, such as a POTUS proclamation trying to reverse NYC’s smart and successful Congestion Tolls. For GOP, state sovereignty only applies when it suits their own hypocritical lies. Often here cited public datasets are disappearing; all hail fascist efficiency that funnels public treasures to billionaire parasites! Low class cowards and thugs attacked Palestinian Muslims during Ramadan, then extorted neighborly Canadians because they think they can. No Russian mobsters have been deported. Gitmo has no promised alien detainees. Government services are disappearing. Inflation worsens daily. Stock shares are tanking. Poles are doubling their army expecting a Russian incursion. Is WWIII on its way? News you can lose? All deter civilian bicycling.

Anyway, The Douche is in the White House, and Duffer’s on vacation, golfing again, while true men from founding fathers to honored patriots are rolling angrily in their graves. What FDR said echoes loudly, "Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds." Cruel and devious modus operandi define criminal sociopathy. Farm wains upon which they loaded Black Death casualties and fallen soldiers (“sold yer” out with huge cuts to veteran benefits and jobs) have been superseded by flat beds and trailer trucks for next inevitable Grey Death. Wailful days upon us warrant brown study and frown melancholy.

About time for a direction reversal: Hope of renewal springs eternal, thus perennial Easter festival. “Those trips a-wheel before the break of day, the pause to hear the morning songsters sing, the break of fast on berries by the way, the thirst assuaged by kneeling to the spring; The drill, the race, that memorable run, Quixotic like, in search of conquests fair - Each ‘joyed event returns like Summer sun, to warm the chillness of the Winter air.” - S. Conant Foster, A Midwinter Reverie, Wheel Songs, Poems of Bicycling, 1884

Not all bicycling memories melt into gratitude or warm your soul. How about brand new leather saddles before broken in or frozen fingertips throbbing as if seared by molten steel? Always attempted a last spin before weather set in for real, especially in winter when snowfall chases you home to stay until sun and wind strip streets of black ice and white depth, then watching out window day to day for another chance while trying to judge which bits of apparel will work under an ever varying conditional array. It’s an anniversary worth celebrating when single-ply short sleeve jersey and spandex shorts suffice. But paying the price panting between baking sun and grilling asphalt that waft watery mirages and wondering if you’ll complete course before wholly exhausted still haunt and menace, what Rachel Meltdown does to your typical MAGA clown. Self’s amuse abuse, or folly hobby, seems bombastic onanistic or depressive obsessive to someone else’s mentality.

Mary Mensana (Amanda Seyfried) is pregnant widow of a would-be environmental terrorist and rueful parishioner at First Reformed (Paul Schrader, dir., 2018), on eve of rural church’s 250th anniversary, where Reverend Toller (Ethan Hawke) serves as pastor to whom she rides her bicycle for emotional support. This grim drama about climate despair, doctrinaire politics, hollow ceremony, and reproductive rights won Critic’s Choice Male Lead award for Hawke; screenplay was nominated for an Oscar.

Not finding a lot of new bicycle songs from dispirited Americans, composing still on wane, as previously described. Do note Europeans compiling abridged Youtube playlists, such as one from Germany of which only some of those not previously mentioned are listed below chronologically by release date. Interesting how France and Germany now stand together backing Ukraine’s resistance to Russia’s aggression after USA’s betrayal of democracy despite interwoven diversity and widespread mutiny of its citizens.

John Manchester, French Bicycle Music [piano instrumental], Blue Sky, Omnimusic, 1985

Beppo Küster, Ich fahre Rad [German pop], Bitte nach Ihnen, Amiga, 1986

Wolle Kriwanek Band, Mike (Mit dem Mountain-Bike) [German rock], Hot Wollé, Bell Records, 1992

M. A. Numminen, Fahrradfahren ist Notwendig [German, “Riding Bicycle Is Necessary”], soundtrack from short film Polkupyörällä ajaminen on tarpeellista (Sökö Kaukoranta, dir., 2000); commemorates 450th anniversary of Helsinki, Finland. Depicts a grey day with Numminen singing song beside riding on back of a bicycle being pedaled along a slushy roadside.

Spieltrieb, Fahrrad fahrn [German pop], Ohrrangement, self, 2008
“How do I feel? Of course, it rhymes with free. Whatever comes and happens can't touch me, because I have my song... There are a thousand ways to ride a bike, whether endurance, fast, downhill, or on the track. One thing is certain: you'll burn calories, and next summer you'll shine with a dream figure. Only what you eat is your fuel, and you're gliding along.”

Pat C, Klapprad [German], single video, self, 2010
“I ride a folding bike around the area; no reason to get upset”

Pratterino, Bicycle Song, Old Bicycle, Pär Strandberg, 2011

Souljah, Was mein Fahrrad angeht [German], single video, self, 2011
Bikecentric remake of the autocentric MoTrip song similarly named; if you sold God’s benefices, ecclesiastical privileges, or pardons it was once condemned as heretical simony, but now it’s the sole jam of Christian Nationalists loyal only to opportunist oligarchy.

Kommando Zurueck, Velociped [German hip-hop], Back from Out of Space, self, 2012

KraftKlub, Mein Rad [German], In Schwarz, Universal Music Group, 2014
Americans can related to this angst of loss plentiful evidenced, “My bike is no longer here, it's gone, that's what happened. But why is it now with an idiot like you... who sees things and just takes them like a stupid child?” Answer: Kleptocrats addicted to greed.

Anthony’s Putsch, King of the World, single video, self, 2014
“Won’t you grab that bike, please take me for a ride, and see that I’m King of the world! There is nothing I'm afraid of, mama, only the howling of the wind.” Right! Citizens of a democracy are collectively king, not some orange shellacked combover thing.

Infallet, Cykelhjälm Cykelhjälm [Swedish in English; group name means a “Sudden Whim”], single video, self, 2014
A helmet is stylish, the ultimate swag, no? “No pain, no gain. It’s a place to put your brain.”

Binyo, Fahrrad [German], Der Steg ist das Ziel [“The jetty is the destination’], self, 2015

The Rotaries, Bicycle Girl, On the Outs, self, 2015

Dota Kehr, Rennrad [German pop], Keine Gefahr, Kleingeldprinzessin Records, 2016

Maybebop, Lust auf Fahrrad [German], single, BMG, 2016

Moop Mama, Die Erfindung des Rades, M.O.O.P.Topia, self, 2016
“You are a miracle of nature on a miracle of technology, your round body contour, carefree and casual. They talk, and shout, and gesticulate, hands off the steering wheel. Sirens and horns are only for you, because you roll like a gangster.”

D.U.M. Enterprises, Fahrradtrack [German hip-hop], single video, self, 2018

Peelander-Z, Bike Bike Bike, Go PZ Go, Chicken Ranch Records, 2018

Günter Nüssle, Das Liegerad [German], single video, 2019

Nico Suave, Von Hamburg bis zum Meer [German pop], single video, Hamburg Marketing, 2019
“So many corners, so much to discover, on my bike... I’m never stuck in traffic. I pass you with a big smile.”

The Dirty Nil, To the Guy Who Stole My Bike, F*ck Art, Dine Alone Records, 2020
“I hope it serves you well. I hope the brakes don’t seize, when you’re riding down the hill to hell.”

Mr. Rose, Radfahren [German pop], single video, Problembär Records, 2020

Requisite, Bicycle, Rusty BBQ Demos EP, 1943896 Records DK, 2020
“Next time you offer me a ride, I might decline. I’d rather ride my bicycle.”

Severin Groebner, Rentner auf E-Bikes [German for “Retirees on E-bikes”], single video, self, 2020

Estéban Cortez, La-La-Lastenrad [German, “Cargo Bicycle”], single video, self, 2021
Going backwards by pedaling? Isn’t fuel is too expensive?

Kadeja, feat. DieZelle, Bike, single video, PZK, 2021

Treptow, Nachts auf dem Fahrrad [German heavy metal], single video, self, 2021
“On the bike at night in Berlin... There’s room for you on my luggage rack; I'll gladly take you anywhere. Who needs a taxi?”

IFHT fea. Matt Dennison, New Bike Day, single video, self, 2022
“Got kicked out, got fired; wanna do stuff but I’m too tired. At least my mother’s proud of me (no, she’s not). But it’s new bike day, and I can’t be broken... I get to ride. I might be broke and alone, but there’s rubber and chrome... I feel alive... Can’t afford to fix my car, but I got shiny handlebars.”

Mike Ständer Band, Fahrradfahrn [German], Zweites, self, 2022

Blondie & Iris Wallaschek, Mein Rotes Fahrrad [German, "My Red Bicycle”], single video, Chromatics Entertainment Studios, 2023

Alex & Lukas (A. Diosegi and L. Brennecke), Radlerhymne [German hip-hop, “Cycling Anthem”], Schiffbruch, self, 2024
“Leather saddle padding and the pedal crank made of gold! The chrome rims measure an impressive twenty-six inches. Yes, then annoy a few passers-by with your exhaust. Hey, we'll pass you if you look out at us while you're filling up.”

E-Aldi, Fahrrad-Punks Not Dead, single, self, 2024

Vielleicht Emma, (Ich und mein) Fahrrad, (Ich und mein) Fahrrad, self, 2024

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Tsk, Tsk, Tshwane

For some wordsmiths a blog is a small business, but not Labann. All of Bike&Chain’s nearly 3,000 pages are ad free and open source, so not-for-profit, though not worthless exactly. From 2008 until 2021, dropped 20 to 40 posts each year; since pandemic, shared less than 10. Sounds like slowing down, but some posts quadrupled in length, because they covered more complex issues affecting bicyclists after deeper dives, and those interesting times they curse you to live in have now come with a clown car of callous and corrupt incompetents in control consumed by depraved, illiberal, mean, sordid and uncultured policies.

When you discuss generalities you make little sense. When you offer instructional specifics they’re too dense. Yet entertaining parables and formulaic fables get revered, even if generally fictitious or situationally factual. Truths have to apply all the time everywhere, may cause anger or generate fear, but unless they predict how to take advantage few readers care. Prophets are defined after the fact through any self fulfilled act. Busy bees believe divisive buzzes, forget their allegiance pact. Big topics present many perspectives that criminals and ignoramuses ignore. But assessing self in world then disclosing what’s discovered is bound to bore.

Small business is America’s largest private employment sector, 46% of workforce, often conducted from a backyard garage, home basement, or kitchen table. Government is nation’s number one employer, not unlike most industrialized countries. Economists have always agreed that severely reducing either will cause a global depression. Among wage earners, whether they serve badly or well, more will always be better, because 80% of corporate projects are fulfilled by 20% of those assigned, while transacting paychecks as widely as possible fights desperation and despotism. Who’ll pay IRS their $6 trillion in annual revenue? The top 1% will get obscene tax cuts, while former tax payers will be collecting short term unemployment benefits. Their math doesn’t add up, and might inspire a filing moratorium or voter recall of congressional fascist minion.

Trains, behemoths compared to also made from steel bicycles, require lots of steam to get rolling, like honking up hills by bike, but both are remarkably efficient otherwise, because they absorb kinetic energy. Same momentum applies to economy. Republican recession sent record public debt into stratosphere and stranded nation at station until democrats returned to invest in workforce and restore normalcy to keep on rolling awhile. According to Harvard sociology professor Mathew Desmond, if only top earners paid taxes they owe, poverty across country could be cured.

Now on revenge tour, unsatisfied with domestic terrorism with thousands dead from random shootings, tactics too slow setting factions at each other’s throats, tearing coalitions asunder, and walling off restoration with insurmountable obstacles, why not confiscate bank accounts and property? China and Russia still need trillions to wage war against Africa, Europe, India, Taiwan, and USA. Allies are dumping treasury notes in massive numbers. Cryptocurrency, computer based Ponzi schemes contrived to launder crime loot, plunged 27% since inauguration; bit coins will never deserve strategic treasury reserve. Tariffs bar imports and try to strip America of its territorial resources. Citing waste deterrents, this bash and grab really betrays citizens and innocents. Social Security has always been separately funded, 4 trillion on account good through 2040, and has no effect on future obligations due to fewer babies being born and recipients living longer, false flags, because expectancy has dropped and population has grown from legal immigration by tens of millions in short order, lies exposed.

Gangster DOGE denigrates civil servants, some of whom work at home, which surged during COVID to prevent contagion but was customary for many feds not limited to deployed reservists, enforcement agents, and FEMA coordinators. Telework decongests highways, put boots on the ground to respond quickly, and saves enormous amounts of fuel otherwise wasted during pointless commutes to cubicles; likewise, bicycling. Big Oil has GOP in their pocket and hates efficiency that impacts their bottom line, especially bicycling. Not the only reason, 9 to 5 on-site attendance also makes it easier to target and terminate beltway bureaucrats. Chainsaw change in no way improves, just deals death, decimates families, and disregards needy. Two out of three citizens disagree with these cuts, but their representatives in congress bend a knee to ruling oligarchy.

Climate crisis directly threatens food supply. It increases capricious tornadoes, excessive heat, severe hurricanes, and unexpected floods that destroy crops and kill livestock. Latest administration denies problem, has withdrawn from Paris Accord, ridicules efforts to deal proactively with its effects, and sacrifices family farms, a large segment of small business employment, when serious savings could be had by ending pork barrel contracts to defense suppliers and subsidies to gas and oil giants setting record profits. Why not demand repayment of this corporate welfare? Or seize state control of refineries and utilities? Furthermore, NOAA and USDA layoffs make foods less safe from bacteria, fungi, parasites, poisons, pollutants, toxins, viruses, and weather cataclysm. Roadkill Robbie advises gleaning whatever you can from auto collisions and ignoring taboo against cannibalism.

Since every act so far by new regime destabilizes law enforcement, expect criminals to test degree of lawlessness with which they can get away, greater for them every day, until rioters loot small businesses, as did Pretoria’s political protesters in 2005, 2016, and 2023. Tsk, tsk, when a party acts unilaterally and attacks majority trouble occurs for which guiltless survivors pay. Homeboy Lumberjack Muskrat is still a South African citizen, having emigrated temporarily to Canada in 1988 from Jacaranda City to dodge military draft. Along with co-president, he figures military service is for losers and suckers. Indigenous residents with motto, “We are the same,” put such apartheid racists and presumed betters behind them by renaming Pretoria, but Afrikaners still refuse to adopt official handle Tshwane over one imposed by colonialists. By the way, kudos for your bike lanes, biodiesel initiatives, criterium races, fondo events, and wastewater processing.

Only a majority vote warrants a capitol city or international gulf rename, not an egomaniacal fiat from a fat fart self fêted führer. How pathetic and petty is that? It’s a ploy to pander to supporters while planting butt on throne, plotting chaos and revenge, and putting enemies in charge. Flooding zone with outrageous decrees tries to hide their demonic atrocities. What does he care for tax cuts? His crime syndicate evaded taxes for decades. Root “trompe” literally means “trick”, while Maga is the fifth and highest level of Satanic clergy. To the core Taco de Trompo is corn and pig al pastor, a crooked wolf who leads sheep to slaughter. Conspiracy theories evidence a special form of psychopathy, but sociopathy on top warrants resisting relentlessly. What did you expect from an insane crime lord and reality TV celebrity for whom only money, popularity and power hold relevancy? Having already danced and golfed across rubicon, his Ides of March approach.

America’s residents (340,100,000) vastly outnumber 1,000 billionaires and their 670 operatives among House (435), POTUS and Cabinet (23), Senate (100), and SCOTUS (9), along with unappreciated underlings (3,000,000, once including Labann) who work for agencies including USPS (660,000). It’s the military (2,800,000) provided with weapons and trained in tactics that you have to worry about; of their on average one thousand deaths per year biggest portion is self inflicted, then so-called accidents, then illnesses. It’s no wonder given how badly veterans are now and were being treated. Total (6,000,000) represents less than 2% of Americans. By contrast, seventy million Americans receive small monthly Social Security payments after a lifetime of involuntary annuity contributions, enough voters to recall from office entire Republican Party. If dedicated agency workers in critical roles can be summarily dismissed or replaced, so can mere representatives and senators, since they are coequal public servants, not untouchable rulers.

Finney (Mason Thames) and younger sister Gwen (Madeleine McGraw, shown) have enough heartache with an abusive drunken widowed father. The Grabber (Ethan Hawk), part time magician and persistent prowler of Denver suburbs, looks for teen boys to abduct and torture in his brother’s basement. After a terrorizing string of disappearances, he grabs Finney. Gwen won’t give up her sibling search, crisscrossing side streets by banana bicycle, reacting to clues from clairvoyant dreams, just like her deceased mother had. In this supernatural thriller, The Black Phone (Scott Derrickson, dir., 2021) supposedly broken hangs on cellar wall, but Finney gets calls from the beyond he needs to survive. Bicycling easter eggs scattered throughout include Gwen after being spanked tearfully watching a scene about a broken bike from Christian tolerance cartoon Davey and Goliath, previous abductees who also rode bikes into danger, and screen door barring Finney’s escape secured by one’s bicycle combination lock. Will cycling newsboys, door-to-door sales-kids, or state’s constituents ever be safe from these monsters?

NR 24 (John Andreas Andersen, dir., 2024) was code name for agent Gunnar Sønsteby (Sjur Vatne Brean), who during early 1940’s Nazi occupation of Norway earned a reputation among the best allied assassins, forgers, and saboteurs in Europe. He resourcefully conducted clandestine missions by bicycle; indeed, his memorial statue at Solli Plass in Oslo depicts him straddling one. In many occupied countries during WWII, bicycles were confiscated to suppress resistance. Sønsteby was awarded the British Distinguished Service Order and US Medal of Freedom. Democracy dies if everyday heroes don’t stand in solidarity and undermine this autocracy. May robber barons forever fall to robin hoods.

This year’s Academy Award Best Actor Adrien Brody (shown) stars in The Brutalist (Brady Corbet, dir., 2024) as Hungarian-Jew László Tóth, a Bauhaus trained architect who emigrated to Pennsylvania after being forcibly separated from his child and wife by Nazis and surviving Buchenwald death camp, only to be abused and exploited by a rich industrialist patron. Daniel Blumberg’s Best Original Score for this film includes beautiful piano instrumental Bicycle covering Tóth’s rides on steel steed to proposed sites to sketch ideas. Release couldn’t be better timed to remind Americans how eager despots, kleptocrats, and oligarchs are to mistreat victims and strip them of their human dignity, individual wealth, and personal freedoms. He who says everything will be alright, as if it ever has, does you no favors.

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Crashed Fairlane

Humans are social creatures who crave and deserve happy interchange and helpful input. Consider years you invest maintaining fragile relationships. Expressing one’s opinions matters as borderline personality therapy. Internet, which once promised both contacts and facts, has now succumbed to disinformation, manipulation, and omission. Despite free speech permission guaranteed by constitution, inexplicably but insincerely reiterated recently by signed executive order, networks critical of new regime risk having their broadcast license revoked. Only sanctioned perjury will pass Project 2025 arbiters. There’s a lot to unpack in their nefarious acts. At least judges protect press members; nobody has a blogger’s back, though they don’t need to be forgiven for evil they attack.

Tech oligarchs and their delinquent mutant ninjas, who own top algorithms based on a century of sociology and latest AI, deny advantageous access, monopolize social media, poison pleasant convos, ridicule appeals to better self, sell your proclivities to some vulture, shame your relentless curiosity, and suppress any attempt to organize, because isolation makes individuals vulnerable. Somewhere there’s a disastrous dossier on your search history actively being exploited or aggressively being filed for them to utilize against you in future. An antisocial immigrant unelected appointee with close ties to China and Russia already has all your bank, census, medical, phone, and tax details in direct violation of Privacy Act of 1974. Damage is already done despite court orders to desist. Over an adulthood spent months shredding documents to avoid exactly what’s now occurred by overreach decree. You’ve already unknowingly surrendered privacy and security. Crimes used to be transacted over dark web in cryptocurrency, but now they’e committed against public treasury openly with impunity.

Neutral Swiss sentimental illustrator Chendi Xu, At the Newsstand, detail, 2019

Before personal computing, intellectual forages were fed by bookstores, libraries, and newsstands. You got acquainted with authors, diarists, egalitarians, journalists, librarians, and other strangers who earned your trust because they knew more than you and shared their knowledge without attached strings. Recalls enlightenment era encyclopedias by Chambers, D’Alembert & Diderot, and Harris meant to disseminate burgeoning body of knowledge and loosen royal guilds’ grip on profitable things. Analog studies provide a sense of community, and seem worth your physical efforts, as does bicycling instead of driving. Digital saves labor but stirs anger; social media alienate participants and propagate faceless villains who prey on innocents and proffer nothing of honor. Close encounters promote camaraderie, democratic thinking, dignity of work, and sense of patriotism that distance and segregation unravel, says dour Harvard professor Michael Sandel.

Regret wasting decades online squabbling with damned souls, dirty predators, and dopey trolls. You’d think 50 years of electronic dialogue would have brought consensus and peace. Wasn’t all bad: Conversed with a sweet and wise few, learned new wrinkles in communication, and sought revelatory inspiration, but stumbling upon grace is akin to taking bait as trap snaps shut. Since religions founded upon best intentions and divine origins get perverted into cudgels of control, what can you expect in a secular superbowl presided over by a lecherous a**hole? Blanket browsing, confirming bias, and obsessive doomscrolling have exacerbated ageism, antisemitism, grievances over elitism, illogical prejudices, jealous egotism, personal menace, racist supremacism, science denialism, and violent terrorism among angry misogynists and anxious morons, as offensively portrayed in film Ford Fairlane (Renny Harlin, dir., 1990) by Andrew Dice Clay, another obnoxious example of toxic masculinity.

Ford Fairlanes were models of family sedans, muscle coupes, station wagons, and stretch Falcons with an apparent identity crisis built for distribution throughout nation from 1955 to 1970, longer elsewhere. Once owned one for demolition derby use. Full size car sales crashed stateside even before OPEC Oil Embargo in 1974, when bike sales boomed and both bugs and compacts spiked in popularity. These impractical gas guzzlers were later supplanted by minivans and SUVs. Neither ideal nor just, Fairlanes exemplified consumer betrayal, planned obsolescence, and policy contempt. FHWA, another agency soon to be on chopping block, explained mandate for bicycle lanes to stem mounting number of crash fatalities, up to a thousand annually, identifying cars overtaking bicycles as their primary cause.

By exiting all your social media accounts, you can attend neglected chores, bike further afield, and stick it to the man, who needs you to take part in time wasted to build his fascist warchest. Narrow byways enveloped by shrubs and trees are fair lanes to ride upon, because they evoke a sense of intimacy with natural world and foster face-to-face encounters that other roads don’t. Yet a neighborhood paperboy finds suburban streets treacherous among Sling on-line users who prefer digital soundbites to newsprint insights.

Does bicycling really represent an economical alternative to driving? If own 20,000 hours of pedaling were instead spent working at a minimum wage job, provided a flexible part time role could be landed amidst a full time career, would have earned an extra $100,000 after social security deductions and taxes in a higher bracket. Supplanting half of all driven miles with bicycling saved at least $4,000/year, half national average for car ownership less costs of bicycling, totaling $100,000 over 25 years. This leaves a net gain only in intangibles of better health, closer appraisal of what it means to be alive, developed sense of risk assessment, entertaining experiences outdoors, and fossil fuel boycott. Do you really want to drive a car at all faced with all its expenses and stresses? Bicycling is statistically 20 times safer. Between 2017 and 2022, Tesla owners had the most per billion charged infractions, collision incidents, consequential fatalities, and safety recalls, twice national average. Until now, Tesla was being actively investigated for multiple anomalies and infractions among agencies being gutted by Tesla’s CEO.

MAGA conflates equal opportunity into a nonexistent DEI mandate, further, employment of incompetents in critical roles. This gives partisans a way to avoid criticism for illegal firings, blame opposition for unrelated tragedies, and rationalize their own racism that assumes sex identity and skin color preordain intelligence quotient. Much of American aviation and space program success was based on manual trajectory calculations by badly treated black women rocket scientists, particularly Kathrine Johnson. In total hypocrisy marching toward tragedy, less than half of a weak voter turnout reacting to racist dogwhistles picked a diagnosed sociopath as POTUS, ranked worst by a consensus of historians, or, as Bill Maher describes, “The Ultimate in Reverse Improvement.” Dozens of debacles have already been documented as a result of Despicable Organized Greed Enormity. Ain’t no medieval Duchy of Venice, just a contemporary accountability dodge, cruel scam, and word weave by wannabe leaders without constitutional status drawn from cavernous greed and fearful need to seize all wealth at blitzkrieg speed.

Who is the evil known by many names? Lucifer, of course. Likewise, Adolf Scissorhands, Alphonse Ca-porn, Bugs Moron, Cannibal Lecturer, Dearth Insidious, Dolt 45, Felon 47, Frequent-Lolita-Flyer, General Lies-in-Shower, Grifter in Chief, His Royal MAGA-sty, KAOS Capo, Mango Mussolini, Napoleon Bone-a-Nibble, Nostra-Dumbass, Panama Read, Pol Pops, Putin Putty, Scowling Grimace, Simple Stalin, Velveeta Voldemort, Why-Him-See-All-Day, and worse monikers than Old Nick. Compare tactics in common: Conceited avarice, deceptive subterfuge, divisive betrayal, empty promises, foul amorality, glib excuses, heinous vengeance, and indecent schadenfreude. Only a possessed pest gets called out by Catholic Pope; only a godless narcissist demands an apology for a loving homily given by an Episcopal Bishop, who since has received death threats. Christians supposedly pluck out a heart of stone and reinstall a soul of compassion, but not his. Instead of embarrassing citizens by floating cryptid currencies, fraud which illegally funnels campaign funding and violates Sarbanes-Oxley Act, and merch grifting resembling reptilians dining on delicacies of cadaver flies, someone ought to offer anti-chump pins for free with a wee stipend for wearing them. Clever ridicule couldn’t convince zombie cult. Laws lose potency with POTUS illegality.

Gulf Oil just celebrated its Orange Logo's centennial anniversary. Their slogan? “Unstoppable together,” an attitude perfectly in tune with melting pot of America. Compare to orange combover, who’s nearly as old, never wins his unilateral demands, and next to him nobody may excel or outdo lest he looks stupid or weak. Golf is THE game for self serving narcissists for whom teamwork means nothing. If DJT really wanted to conserve tax money, he'd pay back hundreds of millions of it he spent on golf junkets and record $8 trillion deficit he ran up in previous term. Does any of this underlie why Gulf of Mexico had to go? There's already an actual Gulf of America between 1% affluence and 99% of populace.  

Economy, government policy, and morality are intertwined. Government employment churns economy, ensures justice, and provides crucial services. Wealth redistribution from an oligarchy is key to public solidarity. What elected officials do in office whether you agree or not matters to you personally. Ask Russians if their lives are better under kleptocracy. One way to fight impact of higher grocery prices is to raise threshold for SNAP. However, GOP intends to eliminate all benefits, and let corporate bosses gouge consumers mercilessly. Accusing all welfare recipients, not just few thousand already indicted who were gaming program due to data breaches and identity thefts, blindly and cruelly victimizes millions who need dole and never did, 75% of whom are children and infants. To gripe about other nations cheating USA by running trade deficits takes some extreme of psychopathy after holding title as America’s foremost money off-shorer and tax cheater with hundreds of millions evaded, convicted of 34 felony counts for falsifying financial records. Guilty as charged. Likewise, making excuses about drug smuggling as a reason for tariffs from world’s worst drug money launder is an absurd assault on indisputable logic. Totality of this corruption is evidenced by his first act of firing inspectors general who saved nation $93 billion, and other law enforcers who fight corruption according to constitution. Nothing mutually beneficial gets done in a huge hurry with zero transparency.

Deportation roundups cause serious economic harm and menace families independent of status. ICE spent $300K raiding several Arizona homes to catch then release one documented resident. At this rate it might cost $3 million to catch ten potential deportees of suspected ten million, so more collectively than nation’s GDP, not to mention price of incarceration and transportation. Chaos and waste ensure pain and suffering, probably the sole reason this folly was undertaken. Leaving them alone to earn a living and pay taxes maintains federal and state revenue while suppressing inflation. Arrangements become what they are for serious reasons. Situations can always be made worse through cancelling or meddling. Rather than ICE blindly raiding, a simpler solution would be to let local police enforce existing laws and verify status upon arrest.

Tariffs will cost US automakers tens of billions, since American plants are completely integrated with Canadian and Mexican. Ford CEO Farley said tariffs would, “Blow a hole,” in US auto industry, which goes far beyond major brands and their 2% of total workforce into suppliers and surrounding communities. Retaliations will hike prices of durable goods, fuels, and utilities for Americans, since 60% of gas and oil supply comes from bordering countries. Threats of trade wars have already escalated costs for consumer and losses for investors. For political leverage, Democrats seem satisfied to let Republicans fall flat, as if they might fare better come midterm elections, which could be cancelled altogether, falsified, or ignored. Hoping for a congressional majority win won’t defend against this invasion from within.

Comfortably numb boomers act like begrudging bosses and Karen crones who had their fun but now want to block yours. Worse, they forget how youth struggle and marginalize those outside their orbit. Why don’t they just cease being obstacles and fade into sunset? Anyone who engages in divisive us-them arguments against small population segments to dominate politically can’t be trusted in any deal or debate. Ultra rich only exist because they’re terribly insecure, whilst society doesn’t resist their hedging against next plot twist. Espy an epic fortune and expose a colossal felony or lie. Downtrodden masses recall excesses of French Revolution and own powers to level playing field and recoup losses. Oligarchs fear labor strikes, massive protests, open riots, and shrinking popularity.

Peter Gabriel, Solsbury Hill, Peter Gabriel, Atco, 1977, “I was feeling part of the scenery. I walked right out of the machinery, my heart going boom, boom, boom! Son, he said, grab your things, I’ve come to take you home.” Suggesting that you should accept a loss for what you might gain, song was composed on point in forward propelling but unusual 7/4 time. Secret World Live Tour 3 decades ago covered tune upon a stage-in-the-round, where almost throughout Gabriel sang while boldly riding a Moulton folding bicycle.

All acquired balance, good deeds, and virtuous achievements get expunged by lawless and soulless fascism. What comes from government firings, thoughtless deregulation, or too little oversight? Aviation, infrastructure, and policy disasters have already cost lives. February (Latin, februum, purgation), will see an illegal purge of dedicated, nonpartisan government workers, many former combat veterans who transitioned into government, rationalized as draining deep state swamp, but really whitewashing their embezzlement of public heirlooms and treasury assets. But is it smart to disenfranchise trained agents with encryption, gun, legal, and tactical expertise? Predicts spiteful payback. China and Russia don’t want to invade America yet, thus inherit every immigrant, minority, and welfare issue. But they will after ethnic cleansing and military divestment removes any effective deterrent. Vast expanses of empty fields and ranges populated by disarmed farmers and subjugated slaves would be deemed enviable acquisitions. Never closer to midnight, The Doomsday Clock has descended from 17 minutes in 1991 to less than 2 minutes since existential threats posed by POTUS 45, now an “all time” nadir of only 89 seconds under 47.

All you get is a vote, some limited rights, and what little discretionary actions laws allow. Autocrats attempt to strip even those, decide how you’ll abide or die, everything you’ll be provided as to nutrition, rewards, shelter or tools. Free market is a fairy tale. Unitary control forces everyone to comply with energy scheme, motoring paradigm, sanctioned model, state programs few agreed upon or asked for, and transfer of trillions of dollars into private accounts. Cuts in involuntary programs to pay down national debt just preserve wealth's value at workers' expense. Yet public outrage is aimed at allies not enemies, or self for apathy and stupidity. Ignorance can be emotional or intellectual, but can’t be justified or opposed. For sanity’s sake, people prefer to ignore POTUS, whose aims are to ensure despair, evade scrutiny, exacerbate fear, an exact revenge; reimagines civil war sans destruction. Sovereign state secession could avoid fed’s $36 trillion debt, make laws and taxes equitable, and open opportunities to merge with European Union.

Blurry Be-In protest images on Kodachrome slides from half a century ago still affirm aspirations to act responsibly and stay mindful. Writing blogs has always been busy work that challenged patience of both reader and writer. Bike&Chain posts may seem enigmatic and fictional, but every paragraph was wrought directly from personal experiences and reliable reports. In contrast, Chat GPT emerges as noncommittal mumbo jumbo, never synthetic thought, but often beats nonchalant lies and passionate nonsense touted as facts by today's politics, and probably masquerades as human content more than you detect or expect. When authors write, they assemble correct words into paragraphs, celebrate own language which might be disappearing, put them through multiple editorial reviews, reconsider readers' divergent perspectives, sequence into sensible segues, test for probity and veracity, then transmit in print or whatever. Computers talk among themselves while humans kowtow to authority and lose touch, which means it’s time to attend to own affairs, get ready for end grind into oblivion, and hug loved ones in your hovel.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Trek Domane

While compiling brands list, temptation recurred. Did any contemporary brand or model stand out amidst these psychophysical curiosities? While killing an hour on an unrelated mission, stopped by LBS to do research. Nowadays, mainly source tire, tubes, and wear parts through e-commerce, one reason mom and pop retailers are struggling. Would prefer to patronize community to preserve service contacts, but seems lately stores don’t stock what you want.

Had some minimum criteria in mind: Bottom bracket motor, budget friendly price, builder who’s reputable, comfortably spacious cockpit, decent pedaled drivetrain, extended service range, fork crotch room, 400 watt motor, frame geometry relaxed, generous warranty period, local law compliant, light overall weight, and, like all but one bike ever owned, black. A Trek Domane + ALR (like one shown below) on floor checked all those boxes, because it was discounted 75% during dead-of-winter sale. Snatched it impulsively. Low price and state EV rebate made it a no brainer, even if only used for a few years, though forced to purchase new cyclometer, pedals and shoes, also at a generous discount. Already had bags and saddle to add.

The correct answer to how many bikes you should buy is n+1, where n equals number you already own plus one more. However, some e-bikes can actually limit equation. Domane can be set up for use on gravel, road, or trails. Battery assist pedelecs boost pedaling on hills and uncertain surfaces, so could persuade riders to gravitate to gravel. One could argue roads are so crumbled anyway that most can be described as gravel surfaces.

Have always argued that “acoustic bicycles”, ones you self propel, are superior to motored models because they eschew energy, foster fitness, heal heart, and strengthen stamina. Class 1 e-bikes don’t assist as much as Class 3, which are actually throttle equipped mopeds capable of speeds upwards of 50 mph. Class 1 simply takes torment out of any strenuous segment. You’ll still break a sweat while spinning up a storm, and oxygenate knees that would otherwise ossify with osteoarthritis. It senses shortfall in foot torque, and speeds up starts from stops, especially helpful when you have to cross busy intersections.

Obviously, smooth pavement favors rolling speed; bumps and mud increase pedaling difficulty, so depletes battery faster. Various settings, Domane has 3, let you conserve power; its pink “rocket” setting practically means you can upshift into hardest gear and leave it there on all but long steep climbs. However, this reduces estimated 50 mile range by half. You’re better served by selecting lowest boost and shifting normally as needed. You can easily increase boost temporarily into headwinds or up steep terrain.

Do through-axels secure wheels better than dropouts with quick releases? Thieves can’t steal your wheels as easily, but bolt-in relies on strength of fork and stay ends. On plus side, does eliminate chain and wheel misalignment, so stops rubbing on brakes, frame, or gears. Suppose one will decide whether this is a cheap hack or real innovation while scorching around old stomping ground and torching routine turf.

A few caveats and downsides of e-bike ownership include having to recharge battery repeatedly, and protecting it against damage caused by errant drops and extreme temperatures. While exceedingly rare, lithium ion battery fires can be avoided by monitoring recharge personally, not relying on shut down circuits and smoke detectors, only using supplied charger not an unreliable substitute, replacing leaking or otherwise compromised units, and storing battery when not using daily between 32°F and 72°F charged around 60% level. However, you don’t have to go out fully charged unless you expect boost throughout distance covered.

Saturday Night Live 50th Anniversary broadcast (16 February 2025) had a musical sketch contrasting New York City’s prime time problems by decade from 1970’s to 2020’s. Remember rampant coke abuse, Reaganomics bank fiasco, and Twin Tower attacks? Well, they jokingly identify e-bike scorching as today’s top scourge. “Suddenly e-bikes, they’re flying around me.They’re up on the sidewalks, but they’re faster than cars. They’re trying to kill me.” Were it only that, The Big Apple would be blessed given they’re experiencing federal threats for their sanctuary city status and leadership crisis with mayor indicted for international bribery.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Hanker Sane

“They say that, ‘Patriotism is the last refuge to which a scoundrel clings.’ Steal a little and they throw you in jail; steal a lot and they make you king. There's only one step down from here, baby. It’s called the land of permanent bliss. What’s a sweetheart like you doing in a dump like this?” Bob Dylan, Sweetheart Like You, Infidels, 1983

None can predict what might occur with certainty, though irrational behaviors often bring harm and ought to be avoided if possible. Don’t expect genius decisions from brains afflicted with dementia, parasites or syphilis. Legally and politically, ignorance is no excuse, but insanity does provide a lame defense. Madmen can be entertaining, about the only reason anyone nowadays acquires a name, evades blame, gains fame, or stakes a claim. One ought to hanker defining reality over sane washing absurdity. But as a criminal regime dawns, exemplary service in society’s interests secures yawns.

Andrew Wyeth (1930 to 2006) watercolor on board; artist is known for painting scenes from native Maine to Pennsylvania brimming with intense surrealism and magic realism.

“The truth knocks on the door and you say, ‘Go away, I’m looking for the truth.’ and so it goes away. Puzzling.” “When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called Religion.” Quality maniac Robert M. Pirsig, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (HarperCollins, 1974, 448 pp.), 50th anniversary

Before 2024 election, couldn’t get enough of Strike Force Five and their hilarious criticisms of sick cultists in diametric contrast, and sparkling wits such as John Stewart and Tim Miller (shown below in parent’s basement flanked by bicycle posters). Now they are too sad and tragically targeted to merit same attention. Entertainers and journalists who champion truths and expose lawmakers will always be the enemies of tyrants.

Compulsions to create authentic content instead spread fallacy pollution. You can read lies daily in salacious headlines drawing audiences to another dull presentation meant to meet deadlines. Social media uses artificial intelligence to score influence, and, since purchased by privileged immigrants, sift out disloyal or dissident participants. All you can legitimately do is avoid trolls, boycott nonsense, buy nothing, ignore clickbait, and resist despots. Meanwhile, the exact opposite coexists, modest titles fronting indispensable testimony, intangible religiosity, and nontaxable charity.

Robert Isenberg, Mile Markers (Last Picked Books, 2024, 220 pp.), “A bicycle isn’t just a piece of sports equipment or a fun hobby. It is the purest innovation, a tool of liberation, the antidote for a million human woes.”

Complex phenomena come from random insufficiencies. Situations greatly vary. Seldom does one size fit all. Ice Road truckers don’t benefit as much from bicycle transportation as crosstown office commuters. Bicycles are labor saving devices compared to walking, but not while hauling tonnage. Who wants to be forced arbitrarily to do something more difficult than necessary? Jacques Derrida warned of torturing poets on a Procrustean Bed which sacrifices context for conformity. Old farts who plot violence and proceed unhinged against those they swore to serve will themselves, “Be hoisted with their own petard,”poetic justice of ironic outcomes, unintended suicides during terrorist bombings, not to be confused with pittards, leather gloves that protect well until outdoor winter trips trigger frozen fingertips.

After a year in America that saw historic investment in bicycling infrastructure and reciprocal equipment purchases, you’d naturally expect books, films, and songs to acknowledge and celebrate, and a dozen sparked recognition. Never underestimate the power of visual stimuli to shape perceptions and sway behaviors. Pick for yourself which one promotes prudent conduct. 

Alcoholic divorcee Michael (Brian Stillar), known locally as Bike (Terrance Odette, dir., 2024), resorts to collecting bottles, raiding dumpsters, running errands, scrounging beers, and stealing bicycles. One assignment has him arduously messengering a mystery envelope up a steep escarpment. His one hope, to jumpstart a relationship with his teenage daughter, runs into a detour when he witnesses a drive-by shooting.

Camera Corner (Josh Weinberg, dir., 2024) documents Wende Cragg’s archive of thousands of photos of early mountain bikes and Marin County’s MTB community circa 1974.

In uplifting fact-based feature film Hard Miles (Daniel Hannah, dir., 2024), social worker Matthew Modine ushers juvenile delinquents serving soft sentences on an epic bicycle tour to Grand Canyon, aided by sag driver Cynthia Kaye McWilliams and wrench tech Sean Astin (Samwise Gamgee in LOTR). Everyone tumbles at least once on first attempt at using cleats.

Heretic (Bryan Woods and Scott Beck, dirs., 2024) follows Mormon sisters Barnes (Sophie Thatcher) and Paxton (Chloe East) blithely biking about, imposing their beliefs door to door, while seeking converts, until they arrive at the home of atheist psychopath Mr. Reed (Hugh Grant), lock up bikes, and shuffle indoors. Resembles empty promises and fraught visits on political campaigns. This grim film received 2 dozen award nominations.

Rebel Ridge (Jeremy Saulnier, dir., 2024) shows ex-special forces marine Terry Richmond (Aaron Pierre) run afoul of corrupt police in rural South. After they knock him off his mountain bicycle and confiscate cash with which he was planning to bail out his cousin, random Rambo mayhem commences.

Souleymane’s Story (Boris Lojkine, dir., 2024, in French) is portrayed by Abou Sangare, who delivers food in Paris by bicycle. To qualify for asylum, he must prepare an autobiography prior to a state inquiry. Was nominated for 10 awards and won 7.

Tess Parks - Some Days: The Bike Song From Beetlejuice Beetlejuice (Warner Bros. Pictures, Tim Burton, dir., 2024), “I don't like anything, but I love everyone some days... when the sun is out and good people are about it restores my faith.” Lydia Deetz’s psychic heir Astrid (Jenna Ortega) avoids colliding her bike with carelessly driven trucks but crashes through fence into the yard of Jeremy Frazier (Arthur Conti), who secretly designs her unsolicited destiny for his own expediency. Despicables dupe innocents, especially during elections. Living free is wondrous, withstanding afterlife monstrous. 

We Are Rock n Roll (Justin Balog, dir., 2024) is a documentary of the American Criterium Cup, a series of up to 10 races for points for purses totaling $500,000.

Bicycle Film Festival is currently and virtually presenting BFF Classics, short films previously introduced during its 25 year history, through 31 March 2025. There will also be physical exhibitions of new works at various global locations including Copenhagen.

Pandemic doctor Daniela Schwendener gets revitalized by gravel bicycling on her Days Off (Liam Higgins, dir., 2022), an overlooked short from a few years ago promoting Cotic Bikes shot on location in England’s Peak District National Park.

Project A (Jackie Chan, dir.,1983) casts himself as Sergeant Dragon Ma Yue Lung and performs in martial arts battles including a frenetic bicycle scene set in Hong Kong alleys. What’s the goal of that silly slapstick sound at every kick?

Patricia Taxxon, Big Wheel, Bicycle, self, 2024 - Rambling aural experiment eventually gets around to lyrics: "The big wheel in the sky, he arcs o’er miles and miles... We can see the whole town from up here, feel the wind sail past our ears, the whistling noise it makes, so frigid and so fierce.”