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Saturday, February 20, 2021

Callous Chatelain

“I see a little silhouetto of a man, [Scarmucci] can you do the fandango? ...‘I’m just a poor boy, nobody loves me.’ He’s just a poor boy from a poor family. Spare him his life from this monstrosity. ‘Easy come, easy go, will you let me go?’ Bismillah! No, we will not let you go... ‘Let me go!’ No, no, no, no, no, no, no... ‘Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me, for me, for me. So you think you can stone me and spit in my eye? So you think you can love me and leave me to die?’” - Freddie Mercury, Queen, A Night at the Opera, 1975

In the beginning Labann believed internet lacked accurate or adequate content, so desperately and unnecessarily tried to improve voluminously. Bulletin boards were boring and uninspiring. Despite journalists’ best intentions, news stories were vetted whitewash. E-commerce websites worshiped below par merchandise and crass persuasion. Wasn't until software designers began to solicit real comments that producers started communicating online with users. Social media followed suit to share opinions, reviews, and specifics. How could all this love go so wrong? Familiarity breeds disgust and bursts oblivious bliss.

Emotions only matter to individuals. Society doesn't care how you feel, while criminals and politicians exploit whatever they can covertly steal from what you innocently reveal yet might not currently feel. Quality of egalitarian expressions has declined, though a handful actually outperform classic genius. Labann's posts never go viral. Only amusing images and contaminated ideas stir enough idiots to earn many hits. Given over 3 trillion words archived in The Library of Congress, how many are necessary? Consider countless pages of business filings, congressional testimony, legal transcripts, and proprietary texts not even included, subsequently redacted or shredded, or summarily dismissed. Facts outnumber stars in known universe though clouded minds don’t know they exist.

Given fewer miles driven in 2020 due to COVID, who do you think caused increase in car crash fatalities? In a word, Trump. Worst example of selfish malevolence since Stalin, his toxic hate spread contempt for fellowship beyond all violent films and games, because his attention gluttony and power lust aren’t just figurative but palpable. When ego, greed and pride drive tons of carelessly and rapidly propelled steel, what else can you expect? Before end of last century Labann had already shared a literary cartoon and scornful spiel to impugn this wiggy tycoon as democracy’s Achilles’ heel who’d lead nation into a nihilistic ordeal. What’s wrong with those who presume his threats promise some sweet deal? Worst consequence imaginable, he decreased safety of riding a bicycle. Because of Republican policies, among industrialized countries, USA has highest health cost, obesity, murder, and poverty rates and lowest infrastructure sufficiency, life expectancy, and literacy scores.

“The department’s single largest achievement during Trump’s tenure was its contested move to weaken greenhouse gas emissions standards for cars and SUVs, but it also held back from imposing rules on self-driving cars and made it easier for companies to experiment with airborne drones... [Trump’s sole Transportation Secretary until Elaine resigned days before having to vacate] Chao [Mrs. Mitch McConnell, Republican senator, holy nepotism!] and the administration were unable to secure Republican congressional support for a package of at least a trillion dollars for roads, bridges and airports. Instead, ‘infrastructure week’ became a punchline.”

Some argue car wrecks are due to a mass exodus from California to Texas, or New York to Florida, where incidence is higher. Anyone with means will gravitate to wherever they can set up shop to sponge up surplus bucks, whereas those on dole must stay put to stay on a roll. State taxes do vary but seldom by significant differences and usually rise upon urban influx. Rural towns generally have fewer services and lower taxes. But evidence shows middle class families can’t afford to live in places they’ve abandoned. Net worth in millions might be a bubble ready to burst, when artificially inflated home prices based on low interest rates make up bulk of net worth.

Childish, petty behavior, like firing White House staff members, locking out new presidential couple, mewling over a decisive loss, refusing to honor protocols of all transitions for centuries, and whining over lowest Gallup rating and widespread rebuke by historians and journalists simply underscores what an infantile lowlife and poor sport Trump really is. Cash cleaner, casino boss, coke dealer, currency off-shorer, keeper of personal secrets (business dealings, talks with enemies, tax returns): Why didn’t all of this warn supporters that Trump can never be trusted?

A series of recent polls suggest that a third of nation believe misinformation. When you point out such facts, his thralls go ballistic. They can’t see how cult worship is feckless and pathetic. They buy all his rhetoric yet neglect his track record, fly false flags that flip blame onto victims, make ridiculous claims, and reject indisputable evidence. Trump divided own party, fulfilled few campaign promises, lost all legal maneuvers, relied upon executive orders, signed few representative bills, pushed own agenda in an inpatient perversion of public service, and worked more on his golf swing than coalitions with Congress. Deplorables share his agenda for environmental rape, female subjugation, immigration denial, return to slavery, wealth inequality, and white dominance. He personifies crimes against humanity and mortal sins, yet possesses enough followers to form a new party, because minions prefer celebrity entertainment to sober statesmanship. Fortunately, Biden has already rescinded most of his dictatorial orders. If GOP had any sense, they’d divorce themselves before he steals too many of their voters.

Vassals still hold hope of long shot reversals that will restore their callous chatelain, who never wanted to keep castle but exploit position and ravage nation. After a bohemian rhapsody of capitol insurrection and impeachment proceedings vast majority agreed "good riddance" yet grow increasingly apprehensive he’ll never go away. March 4th looms as another pivotal moment in an unbearable series. Not superstitious to think that mentioning his name heightens his power, like Beetlejuice or Voldemort, yet to ignore a threat is to invite reprisal and mount evidence of “cancel culture”, as if shameless monsters with uninterrupted media access care they've been ostracized. What you resist may persist. Perfect examples are extermination camps; condemned as the epitome of heinous inhumanity, they repeatedly return as an option among vicious villains looking for vulnerable scapegoats. For mental defectives, power of suggestion influences more than logic and sense.

Orange Jumpsuit’s claim of "longest ongoing witch hunt” is pure drivel and proves he’ll say anything to stay out of jail. No, voters just didn't want any more of his unilateral decrees that directly attacked democracy, environment, longstanding partners, people of color, and women, thus alienating 65% of population and making enemies of allies. It's not only who he is - amoral crime lord on third Russian trophy bride and international plunder trafficker - it's what he actually did: failed majority, repeatedly sympathized with nazis, and sold state secrets to enemy dictators in China, North Korea, and Russia. Swiss Friars began hunting witches in 1420’s and kept at it for centuries. In USA, Salem Witch Hunt went on for 19 years. So he adds another lie to his Big Lie of a stolen election, inspired by his own theft in 2016, and second attempt in 2020 that fell far short because of changes made specifically to ensure it couldn't happen again.

Where were writers of reason and record when Trump ran in 2016 primaries? Relaxing on holidays? Running from responsibilities? Was obvious he was as unfit for office as a key chain with open scissors or tool belt dangling destructive implements. Why dig up crazy conspiracies unless you intend to debunk them? Who deserves heroic investigative efforts after nation let journalists get slammed? Beware when decent and passionate people become silent. Neocons for decades stole trillions from small time equity dabblers and unremittingly battered taxpayers. Nobody prosecuted them into oblivion, while they bribed politicians through fortunes they amassed illegally. Billionaires who actually earned fortunes tend to back legitimate causes while serving own interests. Enemies of working class - charity directors, corporate raiders, and fiscal vampires - hide behind laws to suck all life out of honest industry. Even worse, cowardly congressional enablers acquitted Teflon Don on smallest of margins, 10 votes, to unleash a gloating demon who vows to divide America.

“His loss occurred not because of the disaffection of his supporters but despite a huge increase in their numbers (11 million more voters) at a time when, unlike 2016, there was no possible illusion about what Trump represents and, therefore, hardly any ambiguity in the sense of voting for him. At the global level likewise, there are presently no signs of neofascism waning: The continuing popularity of [neo-Nazi] figures... does not portend any withering away of the far-right pandemic in the foreseeable future. Achieving a new state of herd immunity to fascism, like that of the postwar years, requires not only a political defeat of the most prominent neofascist movements and an uncompromising fight against their ideologies.” - Gilbert Achcar, noted author and professor at University of London, October, 2020

True journalists are bona fide heroes, like firemen, police, and teachers who can only perform their dangerous jobs when community accepts and trusts them. Conservative villains and neocon propagandists - Breitbart, Fox News, New American, Newsmax, Washington Examiner, and whoever issues the dozens of fake news emails that arrive hourly - urged by conspiracy theorists, traitors in Congress and executive office, and whoever figures they can take more than their share, have destroyed all semblance of honest reporting. It's now infotainment and sensationalism aimed at political dominance. Unless journalists overcome this rise of fascism, ignorance, and unwillingness to devote time to reading and thinking thing through, ever fewer opportunities to serve communities will be presented.

A patriot asks what he/she can do to benefit nation, not a class, dictator, minority or self. Constitution’s author Thomas Jefferson admitted, “That government is best which governs least,” but provided for an army and police to enforce laws, and courts to prosecute and sentence miscreants, scofflaws and scumbags who don’t care, don’t read, and often figure what’s yours is theirs as long as they get away with grabbing it or killing for it. American revolution was a result of taxation without representation, no noble grievance. Prosecuting celebrity perps has proven too difficult since O.J.’s trial; easier to convict innocent, poor or powerless, who can’t defend themselves. Money buys privileges including get out of jail free passes and junkie assassins who’ll do anything for next fix. As a democratic virtue, open-mindedness may mean slow to act but patience isn’t endless. Huckabee radicals deride kumbaya compromises, designate as snowflakes anyone who sensibly wants to get along, and disdain live-and-let-live decency. Temptation always exists to rule with iron fists, but ends badly unless one resists.

If you don't know the law, doesn't mean you're exonerated. False flaggers are even trying to say Capitol riot was a liberal plot to belittle Trump. Grasping at straws and spreading rumors have often worked and will be repeated. Impeaching former public officials for improprieties, not just crimes, is in fact constitutional and precedented. Trump’s Senate trial could have occurred anytime, since already impeached twice while still in office. Due process and senate jurisdiction were only cited to save face. Furthermore, pardon or resignation doesn't exempt said individual from criminal conviction, decree for restitution, or witness testimony. Sentencing for bribery, dereliction, extortion, massive treasury raid, state official intimidation, and selling state secrets could include forfeit of retirement compensation, further civil prosecution, ineligibility to hold elected office, liens on Mordor-a-Lago and Towers of Terror, loss of Secret Service protection, and prison time. Why should nation continue to fund his personal agendas of greed and power? Only an impotent man needs his name on a tower.

Voters elect representatives because they want them to handle issues and organize programs beyond their own abilities. When elected officials don't few recourses are presented: Impeachment, recall, trial conviction, and withering rebuke. Conservatives, whom Chomsky identified as statist reactionaries, exploit laws to attack opponents and minimize good they do. It’s been their formula for decades, win at any cost including civility, democracy, freedoms, progress and rights. If not constantly contradicted, they get their way. Price of freedom remains eternal vigilance, but who’s going to assume responsibility? Social mistrust has skyrocketed. “SUVs reflect Americans’ growing fear of others and our desire to sequester ourselves and our families from them.” A castle on wheels doesn’t intimidate attackers, it invites carjackers.

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