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Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Trek Domane

While compiling brands list, temptation recurred. Did any contemporary brand or model stand out amidst these psychophysical curiosities? While killing an hour on an unrelated mission, stopped by LBS to do research. Nowadays, mainly source tire, tubes, and wear parts through e-commerce, one reason mom and pop retailers are struggling. Would prefer to patronize community to preserve service contacts, but seems lately stores don’t stock what you want.

Had some minimum criteria in mind: Bottom bracket motor, budget friendly price, builder who’s reputable, comfortably spacious cockpit, decent pedaled drivetrain, extended service range, fork crotch room, 400 watt motor, frame geometry relaxed, generous warranty period, local law compliant, light overall weight, and, like all but one bike ever owned, black. A Trek Domane + ALR (like one shown below) on floor checked all those boxes, because it was discounted 75% during dead-of-winter sale. Snatched it impulsively. Low price and state EV rebate made it a no brainer, even if only used for a few years, though forced to purchase new cyclometer, pedals and shoes, also at a generous discount. Already had bags and saddle to add.

The correct answer to how many bikes you should buy is n+1, where n equals number you already own plus one more. However, some e-bikes can actually limit equation. Domane can be set up for use on gravel, road, or trails. Battery assist pedelecs boost pedaling on hills and uncertain surfaces, so could persuade riders to gravitate to gravel. One could argue roads are so crumbled anyway that most can be described as gravel surfaces.

Have always argued that “acoustic bicycles”, ones you self propel, are superior to motored models because they eschew energy, foster fitness, heal heart, and strengthen stamina. Class 1 e-bikes don’t assist as much as Class 3, which are actually throttle equipped mopeds capable of speeds upwards of 50 mph. Class 1 simply takes torment out of any strenuous segment. You’ll still break a sweat while spinning up a storm, and oxygenate knees that would otherwise ossify with osteoarthritis. It senses shortfall in foot torque, and speeds up starts from stops, especially helpful when you have to cross busy intersections.

Obviously, smooth pavement favors rolling speed; bumps and mud increase pedaling difficulty, so depletes battery faster. Various settings, Domane has 3, let you conserve power; its pink “rocket” setting practically means you can upshift into hardest gear and leave it there on all but long steep climbs. However, this reduces estimated 50 mile range by half. You’re better served by selecting lowest boost and shifting normally as needed. You can easily increase boost temporarily into headwinds or up steep terrain.

Do through-axels secure wheels better than dropouts with quick releases? Thieves can’t steal your wheels as easily, but bolt-in relies on strength of fork and stay ends. On plus side, does eliminate chain and wheel misalignment, so stops rubbing on brakes, frame, or gears. Suppose one will decide whether this is a cheap hack or real innovation while scorching around old stomping ground and torching routine turf.

A few caveats and downsides of e-bike ownership include having to recharge battery repeatedly, and protecting it against damage caused by errant drops and extreme temperatures. While exceedingly rare, lithium ion battery fires can be avoided by monitoring recharge personally, not relying on shut down circuits and smoke detectors, only using supplied charger not an unreliable substitute, replacing leaking or otherwise compromised units, and storing battery when not using daily between 32°F and 72°F charged around 60% level. However, you don’t have to go out fully charged unless you expect boost throughout distance covered.

Saturday Night Live 50th Anniversary broadcast (16 February 2025) had a musical sketch contrasting New York City’s prime time problems by decade from 1970’s to 2020’s. Remember rampant coke abuse, Reaganomics bank fiasco, and Twin Tower attacks? Well, they jokingly identify e-bike scorching as today’s top scourge. “Suddenly e-bikes, they’re flying around me.They’re up on the sidewalks, but they’re faster than cars. They’re trying to kill me.” Were it only that, The Big Apple would be blessed given they’re experiencing federal threats for their sanctuary city status and leadership crisis with mayor indicted for international bribery.

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